a busy week at work, the residents of Manchester and Liverpool decided to go on
a hike for the weekend. While walking through the forest, they came across a
unique tree consisting of n vertices. The vertices of the tree
are numbered from 1 to n.
vertex of the tree is assigned one of c possible colors. To
fight boredom, they decided to test their logical skills. The root of the tree
is vertex 1. For each vertex, they decided to find the nearest ancestor
whose color matches the color of that vertex.
The first line contains two integers n and c (1 ≤ n,
c ≤ 105) – the number of vertices in the tree and the
number of possible colors.
second line contains n – 1 integers, where the i-th number indicates the
parent of the (i + 1)-th vertex.
third line contains n integers representing the colors of the vertices.
The color values range from 1 to c inclusive.
Print a single line with n numbers, where the i-th number is the
vertex that is the nearest ancestor of the i-th vertex with the same
color. If such an ancestor does not exist for a vertex, print -1.
input |
output |
5 4 1 1 3 3 1 4 2 1 2 |
-1 -1 -1 1 3 |
graphs, depth first search
Consider a
simpler version of the problem. Let all the vertices of the tree be painted with one color. Declare a stack, that is empty initially. Run depth first search from the
root of the tree. While entering the vertex v, put it into the stack. At the end of
processing vertex v, remove the top of the stack (this will be the vertex v). When the depth search is complete,
the stack will
be empty.
Question: what will be on the top of the stack when you enter the vertex v and before you put v on the stack?
Now let’s solve our problem. Create c stacks, one for
each color (for example, a vector of stacks). Initially, all stacks are empty. Start the depth-first
search from the root, from the vertex 1. Processing the vertex v of color color
consists of the following steps:
If stack s[color] is not empty, then its top contains the vertex that is
the closest ancestor of v, which has the same color as v. If stack is
empty, then the required vertex does not exist, the answer for v will be -1.
Push vertex v into stack s[color].
Run depth first search from all sons of the vertex v.
Pop the vertex from the stack s[color].
When during the depth-first
search we are in the vertex v, the stacks store
information about the colors of all vertices located on a single path from the
root to v. That is, stack s[color] contains the vertex numbers on the path from the root to v, that has the color color. The vertices are pushed onto the stack in
the order they are visited by DFS.
When depth-first search reaches the vertex 5, out of
c = 4 stacks, two will be empty
(corresponding to colors 3 and 4). Stack number 1 (first color) contains vertex
1, stack number 2 (second color) contains vertex 3. Vertex number 5 has color
2, therefore the closest ancestor with the same color will be the vertex
located at the top of stack 2. This ancestor for the vertex 5 will be the vertex 3.
Declare the arrays.
vector<int> col, res;
vector<vector<int> > g;
vector<stack<int> > s;
Function dfs runs the depth first search from the vertex v.
void dfs(int
Vertex v has color color.
int color =
Store in res[v] the number of the lowest ancestor of the node v that has color color.
res[v] = -1;
res[v] = s[color].top();
Push the vertex v
onto the stack number color.
Iterate over the sons to of the vertex v and run
depth-first search from them.
for(int i = 0; i < g[v].size(); i++)
int to =
The depth first search exits from the vertex v.
Pop v from
the stack number color.
The main part of the program. Read the input data. Construct a tree.
scanf("%d %d",&n,&c);
for(i = 2; i <= n; i++)
Read the colors of the tree vertices.
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
Run the depth first search from the vertex 1.
Print the answer.
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)